A blog about my bird and wildlife adventures on my patch Beddington Farmland and beyond
Saturday, 18 March 2023
Chiffchaff Fall
Today it became apparent very early on that there had been a local fall of Chiffchaff. Firstly, I had my first Chiffchaff in Beddington Park this year singing away and it was shortly followed by another. Then as I entered the Farmlands another singing individual was the first bird I heard. I met Glenn up on the mound at our usual skywatching point. From there we could here two more Chiffchaff - one by Mile Road gate and one somewhere up on the mound with us. Once the rain hit we came off the mound and made our way towards the bird group hide by the Sand Martin Bank. Whilst we were there we noted at least another 4 Chiffchaff and Glenn told me that he had two in the South East Corner before I had arrived. On Glenn's eBird list he has recorded 13 Chiffs so obviously picked up more on his way home. Birders at other sites across Surrey also reported an increase in their numbers. Other highlights from the morning included a flock of 5 Fieldfare flying south east, a small movement of Chaffinch, a Brambling going north, and 6 Greylag Geese and a calling Little Ringed Plover on North Lake. I'd have loved to have rinsed the whole site today but I had to leave at 10:00 and I knew Nick was going to do that for me so I just stuck to skywatching. On his walk around he managed to pick up another LRP, 6 Green Sandpiper, 1 female Pheasant, 6 Water Pipit, 5 Wheatear, 1 Stonechat and 1 Nuthatch. A White-fronted Goose and 2 Little Gull were reported in Surrey to the SW but unfortunately neither made an appearance for us. Once I got home more reports came through on the Surrey WhatsApp group of Little Gulls dropping down and there was also a Spoonbill at the London Wetland Centre, so it was a bit unfortunate that I couldn't have stayed any longer to keep a look out. My full eBird list from the morning here.
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